Into the Field with Yurok and U.S. Forest Service Experts on Cultural Burning of Forested Lands
For millennia, native people have used flames to protect the land. The US government outlawed the process for a century before recognizing its value by Susie Cagle with photographs by Alexandra Hootnick
Revitalized Karuk and Yurok cultural burning to enhance California hazelnut for basketweaving in northwestern California, USA
Indigenous tribes in California and other parts of the U.S. have been rekindling the ancient art of controlled burning.
Effects of understory fire management treatments on California Hazelnut, an ecocultural resource of the Karuk and Yurok Indians in the Pacific Northwest
California’s hub for Prescribed Burn Associations and community based burning
Elizabeth Azzuz stood in prayer on a Northern California mountainside, arms outstretched, grasping a handmade torch of dried wormwood branches, the fuel her Native American ancestors used for generations to burn underbrush in thick forest...